If you are coming to the end of your current deal with a lender, it is worth looking at the whole market to find a new deal for the largest loan you are ever likely to have. You may also be looking to raise some capital to clear some debts, pay university fees, finance a special occasion or any other purpose.
Whatever, the reason, Apple Mortgages offers mortgages from the whole market including second charge loans, but not deals only available direct through a lender.
Many remortgage deals come with free valuations, free legal work and some even have cashback.For remortgage borrowers we will:
- Arrange an interview by telephone, FaceTime, Skype or face to face at a time to suit you,
- Calculate how much you can borrow as all lenders are different,
- Provide an illustration for the best mortgage for your situation,
- Obtain a Decision in Principle for you,
- Complete an application and all the paperwork for you,
- Manage the entire process until your new mortgage begins.